the entry.
a quick hello- off to our seats.
a brief exchange and they worked on their magic.
This is Christopher- the photographer.
We broke the ice when he asked "you want kopi peng?"
hahaha! he definitely saw that sparkle in my eyes, followed by an intense nod that led to the coffee addict beam. :D and a huge "thank you!"
I think we made it a little easy for everyone by having a tablet of poser pill for lunch. haha! :P
mr.photog working it!
hanie was dubbed barbie doll by mr.photog :D why? just look at that curly locks!
btw, look at what i found in the studio!
ㅋㅋㅋ smurf :)
back to the tent and all ready for alldressedup!
i am clad in Raoul.
Chrissy by BenWu and shoes from Raoul.
Hanie in everything Raoul.
so happy with my outfit! *clap clap* :D
credit:some pictures were taken by STB.