continuing from DAY 4 GUANGZHOU- 1/2

I got down the train and was so so happy to be back in Hong Kong.
It just feels so alive here!
wasabi sotong!!! super 짱!

we were talking about the many transportation we took in HK previously, but never got on the mini bus, so we were really happy when we finally hopped on one.
Our friend was explaining about this "digit" machine in front that shows the kilometer and if the driver drives over the limit- it will start making some noise. it is to help reduce the death rate caused by reckless bus drivers that drives over pedestrians! O_O

wanted to learn this since forever, almost bought this kitty set until we learnt about the price.

the highlight!!! stumbled across a "vintage" shop! went crazy in there, crazy alone.
none of them understood the excitement.
wanted to go back the next day, but never got around to it. hong kong is just too big for 2 days.

this is the neighborhood where i stayed!

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