Today is Wednesday.

Lily is 3 years 9 months today and this morning as I was cutting her apple, she saw me holding the knife towards the apple and immediately said "아프잖아요?!" (aren't you in pain?!) -she was referring to the incident that happened about half a month ago when i accidentally cut my fingers while cutting her apple and probably thought I might be hurting myself again if i cut her apple this morning. 

Nyawwwww... anak siapa ni? 

Such a caring girl, I couldn't be more touched this morning.

Gym today was kinda slacking for me but I showed up anyway! 

Did some warming up and went on the steps for a good 30mins and called it a day.

My weight has been stagnant for a few weeks but at least it didn't go up and the reason why i'm trying my best to eat as mindful as I can is because my girlfriends are coming this weekend and we will probably be feasting together for as long as we can! 

Urgh, good things take time...maintenance takes a long (life) time.

If you missed out on my Gym update, you can check out my ig post here.

Time has been wheezing by, I know I keep saying it but yes, I'm not ready for another change in season...Autumn then Winter and then 2025?!

I don't know.

but if you do, i'm happy for you.

Pray for me.

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